The Sudoku Murder

For this week, here is a brand new ”how to play” panel, superbly designed by the very talented artist Katarzyna Kosobucka who has worked on many amazing board games, notably Chronicles of Crime.I’ve also added a little hidden hint at the top right of the page if you ever get stuck. Let me know if you think this is helpful, […]

The Coffee Shop

A fairly simple one for this week. Looking for an extra challenge? Try solving this one without taking any note. Enjoy! -Hiroji Also, check out the newest premium pack if you haven’t already, Knights & Nobles!

Riverside Hamlet

This week showcases the new Knights & Nobles theme and special rules.Basically, the 3 Noble characters (A, B, and C) can only be in Noble rooms, so either the Lord’s Manor or the Lord’s Stables. Villagers D, E, F and G cannot be in any Noble room, so they must be in the Field, River, House or Watermill. Vincent, the […]

Knights & Nobles – 3 Premium Puzzle Packs

Dear fans, It is my pleasure to announce the new Premium Puzzle packs – Knights & Nobles! Step back into a medieval time shrouded in mystery and intrigue, where the fates of characters from various social classes are intertwined. Can you uncover the assassin hidden amidst the suspects? Will your wits and logic prevail? In order to accommodate players of […]

The Empty Room

Here is another old puzzle that I made a long time ago but never published, with more classic hints and keywords. The first steps are a more difficult and may take some time to deduct, so this one is for the experienced puzzle solvers out there! Enjoy! -Hiroji

The Oasis

An easier puzzle for this week featuring a brand new animal… camels! For a slightly more difficult experience, you can just ignore/block the main clue in blue. The puzzle is still solvable without it.I’ve noticed that I have published few easy and very easy puzzles compared to the other difficulties, so expect more of these in the following weeks.Enjoy!-Hiroji

The Movie Theater

Here’s a new puzzle for this week that I had designed back in 2020 but never published. It was one of the earliest I had made, I was quite proud of it’s difficulty back then. Looking back at it today, I think it’s still a fun one… as long as we can suspend disbelief and imagine the TV screens as […]