The Movie Theater
Here’s a new puzzle for this week that I had designed back in 2020 but never published. It was one of the earliest I had made, I was quite proud of it’s difficulty back then. Looking back at it today, I think it’s still a fun one… as long as we can suspend disbelief and imagine the TV screens as […]
The Ski Resort
Greetings everyone, it’s been a while since the last puzzle. As you can tell from the theme, I was hoping to publish this one earlier this year right for the winter season, but life got in the way for a few months. This one has unconventional dimensions, so pay close attention to the two general clues, as there is no […]
Autumn Lake
Hey folks, I’ve created a few new puzzles for the autumn season, these will be uploaded weekly, so grab a coffee and relax while you channel your inner detective!(Also, stay tuned for the Halloween premium pack!) -Hiroji (As some have pointed out, there were two possible solutions to the puzzle at the end. I’ve added a few trees which now […]
A Night at the Opera
Vin was found mysteriously dead after the opera concert. Who could be the culprit?