Greetings everyone, it’s been a while since the last puzzle. As you can tell from the theme, I was hoping to publish this one earlier this year right for the winter season, but life got in the way for a few months. This one has unconventional dimensions, so pay close attention to the two general clues, as there is no empty column, but there are four empty rows. For clarifications, the keyword ”directly” is more rarely used, it simply means a distance of exactly one cell.

Also, I will soon release two new premium packs for a total of 10 new puzzles, all I can announce at the moment is that they’re almost finished and I believe they will be some of the most fun puzzles so far.
I am looking for beta readers to test them, if you’re interested in helping, please let me know at These range from very easy to very hard, so whatever your skill level is, your help will be greatly appreciated.
Nice one, thanks!
Glad you’ve enjoyed it! I’m getting a little bored creating the classic 9×9 manor puzzles, so you can expect new themes and dimensions in the future.
Just wondering if there’s any way to donate/support these puzzles other than to buy the premium packs?
There’s a Buy Me A Coffee link that you can use!
The biggest support I get is when people share these puzzles with their friends and family. I don’t do much publicity, so it’s quite amazing seeing the number of fans grow organically over the years.
Thanks for your support!